West African Research and Innovation Management Association.

 +234 8169162153  First Floor Advancement Office, U.I, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

Research Management Training IRESSEF Dakar, Senegal from 25 – 29 July, 2022

The West African Network for TB, AIDS and Malaria (WANETAM) and the West African Research and
Innovation Management Association (WARIMA) have jointly come together to develop and deliver
Research Management Training targeted for Project and Research managers within the sub region and

Training objectives
Equip institution leaders, scientists, and administrators with essential Research Management knowledge
for them to support research in an effective and efficient manner in their institutions.

Targeted Attendees
Institutional leaders, researchers, research management professionals, project managers in research
institutions, universities, and funding bodies. We are targeting a maximum of 25 participants per session.

Mode of Delivery
The training will be delivered in person over a period of 5 days. The course will look at theoretical
underpinnings of issues faced by research managers but above all it will be a practitioner focused looking
at case study reviews. The key topics to be covered are detailed below. It is aimed to deliver two sessions
of this training in 2022/2023

1. Grantsmanship and the search for funding
2. Budgeting and Costing
3. Performance and research outputs management
4. Research Integrity, Ethics and Compliance
5. Managing Collaborations
6. Researcher Development
7. Project Management
8. Communications and Engagement and Open Science

Date, Venue and Fees
Date: 25 to 29 July 2022
Venue: IRESSEF Dakar- Senegal

Registration deadline: Friday, 24th June 2022

Cost: $UD 500

NB: Successful applicants from WANETAM sites will be sponsored by WANETAM

Expected results:
At the end of the training, the learners will:
✓ Understand Research Management and its scope
✓ Identify the processes for searching and applying for funding opportunities to support researchers
in their institutions
✓ Understand the complexities of modern-day research and the need to build strong and meaningful
✓ Identify the challenges institutions face in ensuring compliance in a highly regulated research world
✓ Receive meaningful tips to engage with people who utilise research findings to maximise the impact
of research outputs

Professor Souleymane Mboup
Founder and President of IRESSEF/Coordinator of WANETAM

Project Director
Mr. Dembo B. Kanteh
Head Strategic Partnership
President of WARIMA

Guest Lecturer
Prof. Assan Jaye
Head of Research Training
and Career Development

Prof. Eme Owoaje
Professor of Community Medicine/ Public Health Physician
University of Ibadan Nigeria
Secretary General of WARIMA

Mr Jean Pierre K. N’Guessan
Sr Programme Manager
IRESSEF, Dakar – Senegal
Public Relation Officer of WARIMA

Ms. Nana Oye Akuffo
Research Manager at NMIMR, University of Ghana
Assistant Secretary General of WARIMA

Ms Elizabeth Stanley Batchilly
Head of Governance
MRCG/ LSHTM, The Gambia
Financial Secretary of WARIMA

How to apply:
Complete the Registration Form

Selected candidates will be informed by 1st July 2022.
