West African Research and Innovation Management Association.

 +234 8169162153  First Floor Advancement Office, U.I, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

Call for Abstracts Submission


The conference will focus on a broad range of topics in Managing Compliance, Networking and Collaboration, Policy Development and Leadership, Research Development and Creating and Managing Innovation.

Abstract Deadline

Abstract Submission is now open Abstract Submission Closes:- Thursday, 30th November, 2023 Notification of Acceptance:- Thursday, 7th December, 2023

Astract Requirement

Format: Word; Abstract must be in English

Font: Times New Roman 12

Title: Times New Roman 12; Bold; Word limit-25; UPPER CASE and CENTRED

Main Text Word limit (excluding title): 250 – Body of Text: Single line spacing; All margins set at 0.75”, Justify the body of text.

Download PDF below to see Abstract Structure and other information

NB: There are limited travel scholarships available for accepted abstract
