Jean Pierre K. N’Guessan
Jean Pierre K. N’Guessan is currently working as Programme Manager at the Institute of Health Research, Epidemiological Surveillance and Training (IRESSEF) in Dakar, Senegal. He is the Project Manager of the West African Network for TB, AIDS and Malaria (WANETAM) headquartered at IRESSEF. WANETAM is a collaborative research network bringing together 25 partners from 12 West African Institutions and 5 partners from 4 European Institutions.
The career of Mr. N’Guessan spans more than 20 years of experience in the management of development projects. Jean Pierre is performance-driven, innovative, and responsive to the changing business environment. He has contributed to various fundraising campaigns and Grant writing support for the initiation of several high-profile projects in West Africa. More specifically, Jean Pierre contributed to the establishment of the TB Unit at IRD Senegal ( in 2001, the fundraising campaign for the Organization of the 15th International AIDS Conference in 2008, the establishment of the second center of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS-Senegal) in 2011 …
Jean Pierre is also a motivational speaker and booster for to the younger generation. As such, he has mentored talented young Africans who are now playing distinct roles in various companies.
Whilst being a native French speaker, Jean Pierre is fully trilingual (French, English, Spanish). He earns a Post Graduate Diploma in Humanities from Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal, a joint MBA from the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (Canada) and the African Institute of Management Group of Dakar… He also earns a certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation from Duke University, NC, USA and a certificate in Project Management from Galilee International Management Institute (GIMI) in Israel.
Accreditation wise, Jean Pierre is a Certified International Business Leader (CIBL), awarded by the International Institute for Executive Training (iIET) and a Research Management Professional (RMP) awarded by the International Professional Recognition Council (IPRC) Since 2022, Jean Pierre is the Co-Chair of the STARS Programme (Skills and experience and who were Tested and Affirmed as professionals who will Reach out and share their experience with others). This programme supports the IPRC in the promotion of research management as a profession and the professional recognition programme within institutions and professional networks in West Africa and beyond.